Women's Action Web
Women's Action Web is a ministry launched by the Office of Disciples Women in 2001. Groups of women gather and travel to domestic locations and learn about what congregations are doing to address the needs of local people through hands on mission.

2006 Oregon commissioned Susan Latham from Salem First and Erin Donnell (at the time from Hood River) to participate in a trip to Colorado.
2008 our women's circle sponsored Menolly Walter (Portland First) and Liena Libby (from Junction City at the time) to go to Chicago with a "young women's WAW".
2009 women from Oregon created an action web to go and see what Oregon Disciples were doing to address the needs of their hungry neighbors
2012 Women in Oregon gathered again to take a WAW trip to Medford First Christian to help build garden beds for the Come-Unity Garden and to participate in the weekly community meal served by this congregation.
2013 Women of the Oregon Region received a grant for
$1,500 from the Women's Endowment Fund of the Office of
Disciples Women to help fund this project another kind of
garden build Women's Action Web project.
2014 Women and men of the Oregon and SW Idaho Region grew container gardens and an inground garden giving away the
produce and selling some of the the flambo and tiger's eye beans grown to raise funds for the Gogoi Farm in Mozambique.
Check out the slide show of the 2014 WAW project!!